Folklore of the Freak

Freaks and otherness are often contextualized by fairytales and oral histories.

Mystical stories of fantastic creatures could be seen as a coping tool for society trying to find a way of dealing with people who did not fit the common mold of normalcy. 


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As freaks came more to the forefront of entertainment in the circus world we saw collections of stories spring up about legendary freaks. R.S. Kirby was a chronicler of fantastic stories of freaks who wrote compendiums of about the treasures of his museum's collection. He told the stories of giants, dwarves, and various deformities. 


R.S. Kirby has since been defrauded as having largely fabricated these stories. However it is important to note that through a fantastical lense it is was more digestable for the public to learn about freaks as entities larger than a regular man, with a tale to tell. 

Folklore of the Freak